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UX Prototyping

date. 2021
Skills & Tools: Miro, InVision, User research


Through a recommendation, i signed up for a 2-day intensive UX course at curious core where i learnt basic UX design skills and prototyping. We were tasked to select a main problem and figure out how to improve based on other existing apps. The problem that I wanted to solve was,

"How might we help students so that they can have efficient learning." 



We were tasked to interview 5 people with a series of vague questions to receive observations,feedback and opinions based on the problem. Thus making use of Miro, I noted down observations and their struggles with other apps. Making use of Miro again, I created the user flow of uploading a document onto a blank piece of paper/slide/flashcard.

User Flow



We were then told to create a wireframe of the user flow we selected before. By using the given icons and components, I created the wireframe on miro itself for a web page.




After creating the wireframes, I created an interactive prototype using InVision as shown in the video

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